LG HG2 Battery Review 18650 Test 20A 3000mAh Part i

Let's firstly with LG HG2 battery review - performance test.

LG 18650HG2 18650 battery li-ion (lithium-ion) is made as well as distributed past times well-known LG Chem manufacturer located inwards South Korea.
LG Chem is also known every bit LG Chemical, the largest chemic fellowship inwards S. Korea.
Quick Fact:The Ford Focus Electric, Volvo V60 & Chevrolet Volt are powered past times LG batteries.

Basic info

  • Model: INR18650HG2
  • Capacity: 3000mAh
  • Released: 2014
  • Product Classification: Cylindrical rechargeable lithium ion battery
  • Intended work (application): Power Tools
  • Max. Constant Current twenty Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (20000 mA)
  • Cycle Life @ 10A: 300 cycles at 10 A
  • Cycle Life @ 20A: 200 cycles at twenty A
  • Initial AC impedance: less (or equal) than twenty mΩ
  • Dimensions: Diameter Max 18.5mm, Height Max 65.2mm
  • Weight: Max 47g
  • Operating temperature (battery jail cellphone surface temp.): -20 , 75 ℃
  • Lower boundary (cutoff) discharge voltage nether load: 2.5V
Yes, that is right this jail cellphone is made for Power Tools.
Unprotected 18650 batteries are non intended to last used inwards vape modern (e-cig) devices, or flashlights.
That is because each 18650 battery (or battery pack) should accept properly designed as well as installed electronic protection circuit (per manufacturer recommendation). Incidentally, LG HG2 became 1 of the most pop 18650 vape battery cell. That is 1 of the reasons I picked this exceptional battery for this review & test.
lg hg2 18650 battery high drain 20A
LG HG2 18650

Manufacturer datasheet 

For this testing, I volition work lab calibrated CBA IV Pro Battery Tester - Computerized Battery Analyzer. 
Calibrated as well as tested to accuracy levels of < 1% Amp load, < 0.5% volts

Review-Test 1 : Capacity @ 15A Continuous Discharge INR18650HG2

Voltage vs Capacity: Let's watch how much capacity nosotros tin larn from LG HG2 nether fifteen Amp constant (continuous) discharge load. The exam battery is fully charged to 4.2V, as well as discharged to 2.5V. Click on the pic below to watch full-size battery discharge graph with the (green) capacity curve.
lg hg2 18650 battery review exam 15A capacity curve

15A continuous discharge is somewhere inwards betwixt ii max. discharge values provided past times manufacturer-LG for this 18650 li-ion battery cell. 
10A for unopen to 300 cycles, as well as 20A for unopen to 200 cycles.
LG HG2 sum capacity nether 15A is 2835mAh which is real proficient for this type of battery nether fifteen Amp continuous discharge rate. 

Voltage drop/sag
LG HG2 exam 18650 review voltage drop

The light-green business inwards the graph to a higher house visually represents what is happening with the battery voltage 1 time ability push clitoris on your device is pressed.
It is called Voltage Drop.
Voltage drop value greatly depends on:

  • Discharge Load. For this business office of the test, it is: 15A Continuous high electrical current drain
  • Internal battery resistance 

18650 Li-ion batteries (all lithium based batteries) accept dissimilar internal resistance values. Internal resistance depends on laid upward character (quality control), pattern (internal, as well as external), chemical scientific discipline modifications, a publish of cycles, as well as historic menstruation of battery cell.

Review-Test 1 : Time vs. Battery Voltage @ 15A Continuous Discharge INR18650HG2

This is the interactive chart. Hover mouse pointer over light-green business to watch it inwards action.

Discharged from 4.19V to 2.5V @ 15A continuous load inwards eleven min. as well as 28 sec.

Review-Test 2 : Capacity @ 20A Continuous Discharge INR18650HG2

LG HG2 Amp boundary (according to official manufacturer datasheet) is 20A Continuous electrical current load.
Let's watch how this high drain battery tin handgrip twenty Amp

Click on the pic below to expand discharge graph with the capacity curve:
lg hg2 18650 battery review exam 3000mAh 20A high drain brown
20 Amp continuous discharge graph

This battery tin handgrip twenty Amp of continuous discharge without problems, but the enquiry is: should you lot work LG INR18650HG2 @ 20A?
In my opinion, you lot should non run it at twenty Amp also often.
Why you lot should non run 18650 battery at sum (max) amp charge (limit)?
If you lot read manufacturer datasheet carefully you lot volition watch that discharging this li-ion 18650 battery with the real high charge volition drastically trim down the sum publish of charge/discharge cycles (lifespan).

Is it proficient for LED Flashlight?

Luckily LED Flashlights (even high-power 2016 models) create non require such a high electrical current to operate at the sum ability marking (e.g. turbo mode).
I volition exam this (officially rated past times LG) 3000mAh battery at lower currents (more suitable for flashlights) only to watch how it behaves (voltage drib should non last every bit deep every bit @ 20A, as well as 15A discharge) nether lower currents. I yell upward nosotros volition last able to larn to a greater extent than usable capacity out of it at lower loads. Scroll downwards to watch the exam at 5A load.

Is it proficient for vape modern (electronic cigarette)?

Some new, as well as inexperienced battery testers are trying to charge per unit of measurement li-ion batteries for vape modern users based on continuous discharge tests, as well as temperature only.
This is definitely the incorrect means to test, as well as recommend (not recommend) batteries for vaping devices.
Lack of sense as well as basic cognition almost li-ion applied scientific discipline is the biggest job inwards the vaping community.

When nosotros desire to exam 18650 li-ion battery for vape devices - pulse exam is the alone means to create it. Pulse discharge exam is real unopen to what is actually happening with battery jail cellphone when it is within your box mod, or whatsoever e-cig device (mech mod, etc.).
I volition perform pulse (burst) tests every bit well, rest tuned.

Using alone battery temperature marking to charge per unit of measurement li-ion battery for vape mods is incorrect as well as provides mistaken (inaccurate) ratings:

  •  Battery temperature marking during continuous discharge procedure is completely dissimilar from pulse discharging temperature. 
  • Measuring temperature as well as rating li-ion battery based on continuous electrical current discharge accept null to create with vapers. Or inwards unproblematic words: it gives you lot incorrect information almost (real) battery capabilities.
 If battery tester provides ratings based alone on temperature hence ever enquire for sum temperature graph to last revealed (alongside discharge curve).
Because, a temperature of that battery afterward 0.5 to 2 minutes nether high electrical current load, is much lower than temperature afterward four to five minutes nether that same high electrical current load.

Advice for vapers:
If you lot watch battery tests ratings based on temperature, as well as temperature graph (curve showing temperature progress) is hidden, hence something is incorrect with that exam data.
Always ask: Why temperature graph is hidden?
I volition supply to a greater extent than tests with temperature information included. These are only basic continuous discharge tests - to watch how this jail cellphone tin handgrip diverse constant electrical current loads. So far hence good.

Review-Test three : Capacity @ 5A Continuous Discharge INR18650-HG2

Let's conk along with LG HG2 review. This business office of the exam volition last dedicated to continuous discharge at 5A (5000mA) constant current. From fully charged 18650 battery (full accuse = 4.2V)] to the lowest voltage marking nosotros tin larn with this exceptional li-ion jail cellphone -  which is 2.5V.
Click on discharge graph below to expand icon - sum size.
capacity curve
5 Amp constant electrical current charge exam discharge capacity graph

Review-Test 4 : Battery Temperature @ 10A Continuous Discharge LG 18650HG2

This is real interesting, as well as useful interactive nautical chart - hover your mouse over ruby-red business (temperature), or blueish business (voltage), as well as you lot volition last able to see:

  • Battery temperature - red
  • Battery Voltage - blue
  • Time (in seconds)
  • Current charge is 10A constant value

There is no 18650 30A 3000mAh battery inwards existence
There is no 35A or 40A 2100mAh or 2600mAh 18650 battery inwards existence
There is no 20A 3100mAh or 3200mAh or 3500mAh 18650 battery inwards existence

Safety is the alone argue I am doing this.
Li-ion battery tin last real unsafe when mistaken rating as well as bad seller/tester watch together.

To last continued...

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